
Friday, December 14, 2012

Selling out? Expanding and changing the blog, advertisement

Toys and Bacon is simply something I do for fun, and to keep myself and my writing sort of disciplined.
I think it's fantastic to get feedback and positive comments, because that means someone else are enjoying the blog too. That feedback, along with the pats on the back I give myself is the only thing I get out of the blog. I make exactly no money out of my writing, and the articles I have published will not get me a better job than the one I already have.

 You may notice a couple of ads in the right column. They have been there for 8 months, and haven't generated anything. I believe people have to click them for me to make money, and naturally no one does that. I wouldn't either. But I am tempted to have more/different ads, or maybe even a donation option. I put a lot of time in to the blog, and it would be cool to get something of substance back. I mean, even just a couple of $, to support the occasional minifigure would be nice.

Now comes the question of generating more visitors, because - believe it or not - this isn't the most popular site on the web. I have a couple of loyal readers, and honestly, I love you all. I also have a couple of visitors coming in through google searches. But really, Toys and Bacon can barely even be considered a niche site. While I feel that some of my articles are fairly universal, it should also be obvious that the content is tailor made for the absolutely selected (and awesome) few.

I will not sell out, of course. I will not start writing about sports, cars or fashion. I will not publish youtube unboxings or funny cat videos. I will not do breaking news or thorough review of new toys. I would like to simply continue writing articles about the stuff I like.  And there actually is one thing I like, that also happens to be a favorite among the average internet user: top lists. I notice that many of my lists have been a lot more popular than my other articles. So with that in mind, I will try to publish more top lists.

Another change will happen with the schedule. People just aren't reading the blog in the weekend, and the usual Figure Friday article have easily been the one I've worked on the most. This discrepancy can't continue. I think I will continue with articles three times per week, but I'm moving the heavy toy article to another day. Friday could maybe either be a shorter, meta-article, a few quick thoughts on a specific subject, or maybe even just a weekend-dinner suggestion?

So, this is where you readers come in. What day would be best suited for the Figure Friday-style article? What would it be called? What kind of lists would you like to see? What other changes could be done? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Anyway, no Figure Friday today, obviously.

Enjoy your weekend, people, and remember to share your passions!

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