
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good job Mattycollector

This is the right way of causing a figure to be attractive. By admitting that it's a chase figure, by actively making sure it's limited - all the while making sure it's not really a character anyone needs in their collection. And all for the reason of creating hype around the line, and the store that sells these toys,

What was the deal you ask? Well, last Wednesday, a random icon picturing the Horde symbol popped up on The link led you to a normal shop page, like the one we have become used to, and from there we could order "Spirit of Hordak", a translucent red version of the standard Hordak figure. This was completely unannounced, and fans completely lost their shit. Like seriously. Within an hour, the buzz was all over the internet, and "the org" ( had a 20-page thread on candy red Hordak. As usual, the MOTUC community acted like idiots and started complaining. Keep in mind, I have done my fair share of complaining over this line, so I guess I'm one of them as well. But the difference this time was that people were complaining about not being prepared for the release of a figure (one guy even complained he didn't have money), and that makes no sense to me. That was the entire purpose of the figure, to be a surprise.

As expected, roughly an hour into release, Hordak "went back into hiding", and people who weren't logged in to at that moment subsequently missed out on the figure. Even prolific toy reviewer Pixel Dan was unaware that this would go down, and missed out as well, all though I'm sure someone hooked him up.

KYZEH shares photos of his Spirit of Hordak.
Keep in mind that this is a character we had heard nothing about. Yes, we had heard nothing about action figure, but the character was new to us as well. So there was no desire to own this one before he was released, unlike several other toys we've seen become rare and expensive (SDCC exclusives come to mind).
So no one could claim that they actually needed this in their collection, claiming it was unfair to release Spirit of Hordak as a chase figure. Yet, as usual with translucent toys, it was a cool enough toy for everyone to want. It also helps that Hordak is a cool character, and every variant will become somewhat attractive.

Completists may have a legitimate reason to complain, but then Toyguru went out and said that Hordak actually didn't sell out, but would continue to randomly pop up in their store.
How brilliant is that? They're making sure to always have collectors check their store, instead of checking in monthly like we're used to. From a marketing standpoint, I can't praise this enough. Of course, this doesn't make up for the fiasco that was the Hoverboard or Castle of Grayskull. But it's a start. Continue to positively surprise us, Mattycollector.

Org-user KYZEH was one of the first to receive Hordak, and was cool enough to share pictures. He looks magnificent.

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